Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Where Do I Pee?
In part of the dream I was in a supermarket/library. It had lots of computer stations, and books, but also had grocery and an intercom. I was sitting at a computer at the end of an isle next to a guy in a wheelchair. He told me that he didn't actually need the wheelchair, but liked to confuse people when he would use his legs to push off of things or stand up. A store worker made an announcement over the intercom that anybody who was engaged would get $20 or a gift certificate or something. I was pretty excited about that, but a few minutes later someone came and told me that they weren't going to really give anybody the money. I got upset and stood up on my store and talked really loudly to let everyone in the store know that he wasn't going to give me the $20 that he said he would. I also let the guy know that I could sue him and that all these people in the store were witnesses that he had announced that and refused to give me my money.
In another part of the dream I was in this really big house. It seemed kind of like Charlie's house, in that there was an upstairs that was accessed from the middle of the front part of the main level of the house. However, the upstairs was a very large rectangular room that had other rooms on its sides. I was up there and had to use the bathroom really bad. Apparently it was supposed to be Han's and Chrisana's house, because I went into a bedroom that was supposed to be theirs, but saw that there was only a sink, and no toilet. So I went back into the big room and went into the next door, which actually was a bathroom with a toilet.
I started peeing and was going for a long time, like a couple minutes, when I realized that for some reason I was peeing in the sink. So I stopped and then a minute or so later I realize that there is a giant roll of toilet paper, like 3 feet tall, and I am peeing down the cardboard cylinder part that probably had about a 4 inch radius. So I stop and finally start peeing in the toilet which is just sitting in the middle of the room.
Later, I climbed out of the house and went down a ladder with someone else. We started walking through the neighborhood. We realized that it was Friday and that we were late for a lunch appointment with somebody.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Am I Awake?
I had slept on the floor in the front room at Mia's house. I had already gotten up once, but went back to sleep, but was trying to figure out whether I was really asleep or not. Every once in awhile Jen or Rune would walk by, but my eyes were closed and I was trying to figure out if they really walked by or if I was dreaming. At one point Jen walked outside for a minute and I wanted to open my eyes and turn around to find out if it was real or not, but in none of these instances was I able to. Every once in awhile Jen or Rune would say something, but I couldn't understand what. I would try to respond, but my mouth wouldn't open. Finally, I woke up and realized it was all a dream. jen was laying on the couch and Rune wasn't even in the room.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Have You Ever Been To London?
In part of the dream I was going through the field between Greenoaks and Riverview Jr High. There were hills and trenches and weeds. It was as if it was a war zone. I think that I was with some other people, but don't remember very well. It also seems like there was some black and white TV turned on.
When we got through the field we somehow ended up in my Brazilian culture class. However, instead of desks there were a few large beds. Derek and Jen were also in the class. So we were laying on a Bed and we were watching Central do Brasil. It seems like Jen did something disruptive and the professor said something to her. She started talking back to him, but not in an argumentative way. It was more as if she was making comments and answering questions in a way that she was kind of making fun of him, but playing dumb, pretending like she wasn't making fun of him. She would also throw in a comment every once in awhile to make it seem like she was trying to participate in class and wanted to know something. The professor was really confused and didn't know how to respond, especially since he already doesn't really know how to respond to conflict. At one point, out of nowhere, Jen asked him, "Have you ever been to London?"
Friday, November 14, 2008
Pink Drugs & Ice Cream Cones
In part of my dream I was in the car with my mom and dad. My dad was driving and was going north, maybe on State Street. It was night time and for some reason there were these big signs that were telling a story. You would read one sign, and then a little later there would be another sign continuing the story. I don't remember what the story was, though. When we got to South Temple we turned left, and for some reason we were driving up a canyon. My dad fell asleep and started veering off the rode. My mom grabbed the wheel and pointed us in the right direction again. We tried waking my dad up so that he could pull over and let someone else drive, but he just kept snoring and wouldn't wake up. I leaned forward form the back seat and grabbed the steering wheel trying to keep us from crashing while my mom continued trying to wake my dad up.
In another part of my dream I was on my mission in Brazil. It was P-Day and my companion and I were at the store looking for something specific to buy that seems like it wasn't something that really exists. We were in shorts and a t-shirt and there were two parents and a kid that were also shopping. The kid was pretty spoiled and said something rude to us that I can't remember. I overheard the parents talking while we continued to shop. They were concerned about their son. I guess he must have started experimenting with drugs because I remember them saying something about a "baseado" (joint). Later they were counting their money and looked like they were a little short on cash. My companion gave them a little bit of money and we talked a little bit and ended up getting their address to teach them about the gospel a little later.
In another part of the dream some cocaine or crystal meth or some kind of drug was found in a closet at Riverview Jr High. However, it wasn't found by teachers or anything. The drug obviously didn't look like what it actually does, because it was like a bag full of pink grains that looked like large pieces of salt.
For some reason I ended up in a field that seems like it must have been somewhere around 7000 S and 700 W. I was laying on the grass and there were two lions. One of the lions I could tell wanted to attack me. The other, however, was going to protect me. It was a really tense few minutes. All three of us kept looking from one to another. The lion that wanted to attack me started slowly circling around so that he could attack me without the other lion being in the way. I also started slowly circling around the lion I knew would protect, to keep him in between me and the bad lion.
Another few tense moments passed by, then a bicycler went riding past. The lion decide to attack him instead of me, and so it went running after him. My guardian lion somehow communicated that we should hurry and leave in case he came back. I got up and we had just started running when the lion chasing the bicycler got splattered by a bus.
The lion, however, still wanted me to follow him. So I ran after him. We hopped over some fences and took short cuts through backyards. We eventually reached my parents' house, but didn't go in. We went through the backyard. Brady saw us, but we just ran past. The lion hopped over the fence into the next door neighbor's yard, and then over the fence into the neighbor's yard behind him. I was a little bit slower because this fence is old and unsturdy. I carefully, but fairly quickly walked across the top of the fence connecting the three yards. I jumped down just before my mom came out, and continued following the lion to Riverview Jr High, to the closet with the drugs.
Whoever had had the drugs there had realized someone had found them, though, and hid the drugs. It seems like they had replaced it with tiny ice cream cones, but in the bottom of each cone the drugs were hidden. I noticed this and somehow knew who was responsible for this, Megan. I confronted her, but she just looked at the cones form the other side pretending like she didn't know what I was talking about. I turned a cone upside down and pointed out the pink drugs. She denied having anything to do with it, but eventually owned up to it, but tried to justify it to me showing me some magazine that said something about the drug helping the health of people in Africa. This is all that I remember.
Monday, November 10, 2008
George Bush Hopes They Call Him On A Mission
In my dream George W. Bush was addressing the Brazilian people and telling them about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was explaining the basic beliefs and all of the community and humanitarian aspects of it. I was watching it on T.V. with Derek and Jen. the he got out his guitar and sang, "I hope they call me on a mission." The whole time I was wondering what George Bush was doing talking about the church, and why to the Brazilians.
In another part of the dream I was driving down a free-way & I was behind a big ruck. Big chunks of cement started falling out of the back of the truck. I tried to brake and avoid the chunks of cement. For some reason I could no longer see in front of me to see where they were and I just remember pressing my foot on the brake and bracing myself for an accident, hoping not to die.
Another part of the dream was a star wars thing. I was in a spaceship that had a similar design to a tie-fighter. I was being chased by tie-fighters, going through an asteroid field and trying to make it past a blockade of other imperial ships to land on a planet, get to a hangar that had another ship with a similar design to the Millennium Falcon and use that ship to escape. I was weaving through all this stuff, shooting asteroids, and tie-fighters and made my way to the hangar. There were other people with me, but I'm not sure who. The ship that we wanted to get on was locked down, and they wouldn't let us on it. We ended up finding a way to steal it, though.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Super Fast, Super Smart, and Super Young
Last night I dreamed that I was at church or something with my family. I was holding Robby and nobody else was around and I was trying to teach him how to say things. He was understanding me very well and was learning how to say things very quickly. I don't remember everything that he said, but he said some things that I didn't specifically teach (like combining little segments of things he had learned, but in the right way, showing that he understood what it meant). The only specific things I remember him saying was, "I love you Josh," and asking, "Do you love me?" I remember being really excited and happy about all these things he was saying, so I found the rest of the family to show them.
At some point in my dream I was going to church with my family (but it was after the thing with Robby). My dad was driving and decided he wanted to go to a different chapel than the one we normally would go to. We were getting kind of frustrated because he wouldn't tell us where we were going and he was driving backwards going north along 700 W. We finally found out that he was going to some chapel out in Magna. He seemed pretty excited about it and expected us to be excited about this surprise, too. I'm not sure why he was so excited or why it was supposed to be a surprise. Maybe he wanted to show us some family history stuff out there since it was my great-great-great grandfather that founded the area. I never found out, because the next thing I remember was being in some house (Maybe it was a house in Magna, I don't know).
I was upstairs and went into a bedroom. There was a little kid about 4 years old. I started talking to him and he was a very smart kid. he had a pretty high voice and spoke kind of quickly. Through the conversation I somehow found out that his mom was really big, and slow and had a really slow metabolism, and therefore he has a fast metabolism and was very fast (like super speed power) in order to genetically compensate for his mother. He then told me that his younger brother was even faster. I met his 3 year-old brother who actually seemed even more mature than him and had a kind of deep voice, but still spoke really quickly.
Friday, November 7, 2008
The Dog Did It
In part of the dream I had been at work. Justin and I had gone to Alumni hall and had been enjoying some free soda. Later, I had left work. I was over by the Trax Station, but across the street talking to some people. I think Derek was among them. Then Justin comes along with cases of soda pop, probably over 100 cans. They were wrapped in plastic and the plastic started to rip, so some of the cans fell out and a couple started spraying pop. I jumped in front of the spray of a Pepsi can with my mouth open and drank it as it was spraying so that none would be wasted. Justin had also come out with some Ron Paul sign because I guess there was going to be some kind of Parade or March. We stuck the sign in the grass and sat down on the hill across from the Trax and waited. It started to get dark and a cop asked us what we were doing. I told him that we thought there was supposed to be a march and we were waiting for it. Just then we heard a marching band approaching. It was coming from the North, not the South like I had thought it would. They marched past us and then I realized that it was already 10:20 and I hadn't clocked out of work yet.
In another part of the dream that I remember I was riding a bike to Murray High School. There was all this construction and tractors, and equipment all over Greenoaks and I was annoyed because it was going to take me longer to get there and longer to get back home.
In another part of the dream I was with Derek and Jen at a library. We found some secret door in the Northwest corner of the library that led us into a hidden portion of the library. This part of the library was amazing. It was very well kept, was very quiet and had a lot of really nice computers. Then it was as if we were in a video game or something because there were these little places/doors that we could go to that would transfer/transport us to different parts of the library. Derek went through one and got transported back into the main part of the library. He thought that he could just transport back, but he had to go find the door again.
Another part of the dream involved Full House. I guess the family was having financial difficulties and Joey was in the living room with a girlfriend and Danny. The girlfriend started talking about all this expensive stuff Joey had been buying for them. Danny isn't saying anything, but is visibly upset. Then a dog barks outside and Danny asks what it was. Joey's girlfriend says it the dog that Joey just bought for her. Danny goes out to the backyard, takes a dump on the lawn and goes back inside and tells Joey to clean it up, saying the dog did it.
THe last part of the dream that I can remember I was at my grandma's in the backyard. there was a two-year old girl riding a tricycle. She wanted me to ride on it. I started riding on it, but going backwards. I was the size that I am now, riding on a little kid's tricycle backwards.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Heroes Dream #2
I had an odd dream last night that involves heroes. I don't remember much, but in the dream I was Peter, and I guess something had happened to me so that I was in a dream state between life and death. And then I came across Simone who I guess was also in that state. She told me about some guy that had the ability to travel through this half dead state of existence, and that he would be able to offer me guidance and help me. While in this state I was unable to touch physical objects, or even open a door; but she told me that this individual could. I ended up coming across this person and he helped me with something and told me that I needed to go somewhere. I left the house and was walking down the street.
Then somehow I came across Charlie. He was riding on a skateboard/skooter, but it was made from a hand dolley, with a wood board attached to it, a frame and two other wheels. the piece of wood snapped, so he started taking it apart to fix it, but realized he had made a mistake, so started putting it back together. For some reason he needed hot glue to wind up some cord and glue it so that it stayed wound up and we happened to have hot glue. Then some random stranger came up and wanted to buy some stuff that we had, including the hot glue gun.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Very Odd Sunday
I remember small segments and images from my dream. In part of the dream I was at church in sacrament meeting. It was time for the sacrament prayer, and for some reason Melanie was up saying the sacrament prayer, which in itself is blasphemous, but then she started saying stuff that had nothing to do with the sacrament prayer and started preaching about the Word of Wisdom. However, it wasn't our single's ward, because the bishop was the bishop from Rio Claro, but it wasn't there either because it was all in English and the sacrament table was on the right side of the chapel instead of the left side.
In another segment that I remember I think that it was still a Sunday and I was in a small rural town. I was at the beach and so were a few other people. the other people were down right by the water, but i was up in a rocky, mountainous type area, where I could still see them. One of them was a little black boy that was standing in the water on stilts and the others were girls getting upset with him telling him that he was going to get hurt, especially if he was still doing that when the tide came in. I went down to try to convince him to get out of the water, but before I could he did fall down and hit his head. We were able to get him out, though.
Another image I have of the dream I was in a cave. I think it was still at the beach, but a cave in the rocky, mountainous area that I was at before. I was testing some explosive chemicals in the cave. They were different kind of powders that I would put some kind of liquid on that they would react with and explode. There was one that for the small amount of powder and liquid used was very impressive.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Invisible Elder
So in the dream it seemed like Rawleigh Greenhaughl and Jared Hansen and some other guys liked to hang around in these circular rooms of the west side (left side). At one point I was walking around the track on the outside and came across this girl and started talking to her. She was kind of upset that some other guys in one of the circular rooms upstairs wouldn't let her take any milk from the fridge (which she needed for some reason) and they were also mean to her. I guess we had walked out the courtyard area, because we talked with Derek there as well.
It seems like we were confined to this area and weren't supposed to leave, but I was apparently on good terms with the person guarding the door to leave the compound and was trustworthy enough for him to let me leave and buy some milk. I came back and found the girl at the bottom of the stairs on the east side and Derek was apparently upstairs having some conflict/argument with some guy up there, because he had tried to take milk from one of the fridges or something. Anyways, it sounded like it was about to turn into a fight. So I hurried up the steps as Derek was pretty much calling him on, and as I was getting up I heard the other guy say that he wasn't going to fight him. As I was finishing running up I told him that that was a pretty good idea. However, when I got up I could only see Derek and started to talk to him.
I found out that the person he was arguing with was invisible. I guess I was also a painter. As we talked to this guy he said that he had confidence that I could still paint him through feeling him and listening to descriptions. We found out that he had been a missionary and had been home for a month. I asked him if his companions were always looking over their shoulders for him. He said, "no," but that being introduced to people was funny because they were always looking somewhere near him, but not at him thinking that they were looking at him. Somewhere in the conversation he also mentioned that he sometimes walked around naked, because nobody could see him anyway.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
4th of July in September
OK I remembered some dreams. The first that I remember is that it was the 4th of July. the family was going to have a BBQ at some park later in the day. I was with Matt and we were sitting in a store or mall or something just waiting and wasting sometime.
I went into one of the stores and ended up buying a season of CSI on DVD and a bag of flour tortilla shells because I was hungry and decided to munch on them. As I was coming out I noticed I didn't have any shoes on. I looked back and realized that I had taken them off by the checkout counter. So I went back and grabbed my shoes.
After awhile I decided I'd go home to drop off what I had bought. I told Megan that she needed to move her car or something so that I could park in the right place. She said something about having to stop by at Laura Metcalf's. I went inside to drop my stuff off and everybody was there eating spaghetti. They decided to cancel the BBQ because it was gloomy outside.
I got really upset because I wanted a BBQ and definitely didn't want spaghetti. I stormed out of the house, but for some reason had spaghetti in my mouth, because I started spitting it out in my anger just to make a mess.
In another part of my dreams I was laying in my bed with my pants on. I felt something in my pocket pushing into my leg. I pulled it out and it was a light blue plastic Easter Egg. Then I reached in again and pulled out a chunk of a peanut butter chocolate Easter Egg. I wondered how long it had been in there and ate it. I later went upstairs for breakfast and noticed that everyone was eating a bag of cereal that I had bought and it was almost all gone.
Later, I was at work and I was downstairs shifting. In the large empty section I found an envelope addressed to Sergio from Elder Verissimo. I opened it and there was a letter and some pictures. I didn't get around to reading the letter, even though I wanted to. I wanted to see if it said anything about whether or not Sergio was going to church.
But I did look at the pictures. They were of Elder Verissimo and his companion, whose name was Elder Jackson. They had pretty long bleached hair. They were in street clothes eating churrasco. I wondered if he was wearing a wig to have fun in the picture, but somehow knew that it was their actual hair. I wondered why they were breaking mission rules by having long hair, and having bleached hair. Somehow I saw them at their house and Verissimo was telling his companion that they needed to start following the mission rules.
I decided to get up and write down a few notes about the dream so that I could sleep some more, but remember it enough to write the dream down after getting up. It turned out that every time I tried writing it down I was still asleep and my arm or body was actually on the other side of the bed and not writing notes about the dream. I tried probably about 5 or 6 times before actually waking up.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
3 Nipples & 4 toes
A week or so ago I had a weird dream that I remember just a little bit. In the dream I had three nipples. My third nipple was a little above my bellybutton. However, that's not the weirdest part. For some reason I also had toes growing out of my chest. I had 4 toes coming out of my chest and I was concerned that there were 4 rather than 3.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Brady With A Goatee?
In part of my dream I was at a skate park with Scott and Jeremy. It was like realride or something. I turned in my waiver form, and for some reason the guy at the front desk had to draw some picture for me before I could go skate. While I was waiting Zach came over and asked me for help with homework. I told him to wait for a little bit and then I’d help him. It took the guy a little while to finish his picture. Then I went and helped Zach and started skating.
It seems like I was up at the library at work for quite a bit of the time. At one point I was up at the bridge. But then it seemed to be kind of a mix of our library and Park library or something. I heard some kid say something in Portuguese to his dad. Then he came over and asked me if I knew where some really big waterslide thing was. I asked in Portuguese if he was Brazilian, and then we started talking in Portuguese. We looked out a window and I was able to find the waterslide he was looking for. It was hard to see because it was kind of cloudy and this waterslide was really, really big. It went up a few hundred yards. I told him that it was a pretty scary water slide, but that it was a lot of fun. I ended up going with him on this waterslide. We went down in this tube/raft type thing. It was quite the adrenaline rush. After the initial steep drop there were little sections of pools, I guess to slow you down a little. It seems like our raft had something wrong, because it would pretty much stop, and the next rafts would catch up to us and smash into us, which at that speed kind of hurt. By the time we reached the bottom there were 8 rafts piled up behind us. I asked if we could get a refund or ride it again on a different raft in compensation for what happened, but they wouldn’t let us.
The next thing I remember I was still at work. However, for some reason there was a playground or something at our work as well. One of our jobs was to watch the playground, the way we watched the bridge, a very boring and pointless job. I was at the playground. While I was there I guess I was talking to somebody that I knew, but I don’t remember who. We saw Claudia and somebody else that we knew about to get on a bus to leave or something. It was the first time I had seen Claudia since my mission. Apparently she was up at the U and was studying to be a nurse. Whoever was with Claudia wanted us to leave with them. I said that I was working. She insisted once more, and whoever I was talking to decided to go, but I repeated that I couldn’t since I was at work. Claudia came over and the other two left. Claudia and I talked for awhile.
The next thing that I remember is going home on the Trax. Maybe I had just gotten off of work. However, for some reason this train was going along 6400 S. Apparently, Zach and Megan were on the train as well. At one stop Zach and I decided to go get on the car right in front of the one we were riding in. As I was getting off the one we were already on I saw 4 quarters on the ground and a few nickels. I had seen them on the train on my way up to work as well, so I decided to just grab the quarters. Megan got upset and started yelling after me that I couldn’t do that and that somebody could call the cops and I could go to jail. I just ignored her and got on the other car. While we were on that car Brady popped up. It was kind of funny because Brady had a goatee. And that is all I remember of my dreams.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Learning to Fly... Sort Of
I didn't dream this last night, it was quite awhile ago, but something I still remember and feel like writing down. Its one of those dreams that I learned how to fly (kind of).
In this dream I was messing around doing those heel clicks, trying to see how many time I could click my heels before landing back on the ground. At one point I was running and I jumped down some stairs and was clicking my heels as fast as I could. Just before I was about to touch the ground I popped up in the air a few feet. I started going back down again, but continued clicking my heels. A couple feet from the ground and I popped up a few more feet into the air. The secret to flying was really fast heel clicking. I started to get pretty good at it, controlling where I was going, how fast I would go up and down, etc... At one point I was counting my heel clicks well into the hundreds, but I wasn't going really high up at this point. It was almost like I was hovering above the ground, kind of like opposing poles of a magnet. I wasn't ever touching the ground, but sometime I would come fairly close, but I was always pushed back up a few feet. However, I was never just standing in the air, it was kind of an unsteady hover since I would go up and down a little bit based on my heel clicking speed.
Sometimes I would click my heels and get really high into the air and stop and start falling really fast and would start clicking my heels a little before the ground to slow down. It was a big rush, but still dangerous. I felt disappointed when I woke up and realized I couldn't actually fly by clicking my heels.
I had a Heroes dream about a month or so ago. I don't remember much anymore though. It seems like it was in the future. Sylar was going to kill Isaac. Parkman showed up and it seemed like he was going to try and save Isaac. However, he got a cold expression on his face and then shot Isaac. In some part of it Peter got hurt pretty badly by Sylar and then turned invisible and ran away and hid. That's about all that I can remember of that dream right now.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Heroes Dream #1
I had some kind of Heroes dream. I guess I was Peter. I saw some guy steal some food or something like that. He ran off at super speed and I sped off after him, shouting after him. Its kind of like how Peter met Claude, and kind of like Clark chasing Bart in Smallville. He went a few levels underground (maybe in a parking lot or something). I jumped down the few levels, rather than taking the extra time to go down the stairs. Just before hitting the ground I slowed myself down with Nathan's flying ability, so that it was a smooth landing. I couldn't see the guy because it was really dark down there. I heard the click of a trigger being pulled and froze time as the bullet was in mid-air. I(Peter) had apparently met Meredith at this time, because with time stopped I made fire to use as light and get out of the way of the bullet and to grab the thief. I unfroze time and the person was amazed by what I was able to do.
He thought that I was like him, being able to move at super-speed. He told me how he was born on the street and didn't remember his parents. He told me how freaked out he was when he found out about his power, and that he felt like he was some kind of monster. He explained how he would use his power to steal food in order to survive. I had decided to let him go and told him that I had to go.
He didn't want me to leave. He wanted someone to be able to talk to. Someone that knew what he was going through, that could help him. He was crying at this time. I held him in a hug and was able to calm him down and comfort him, maybe through my empathetic nature.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The Blinding Light
I don't remember much. In part of it I was dreaming while asleep and I was really tired in this dream within a dream. I was going to play an X-box game, but then went to sleep. In part of the dream I was hurrying somewhere. It seems as though I was going across the stadium parking lot at the University of Utah. It was nighttime and might have been kind of foggy, too. There were quite a few people hurrying. For some reason I was bouncing on my knees to get there. I was holding my ankles and bouncing pretty fast. When I got to the corner I got on my feet. I crossed one street. I was going to cross another when it was clear. A car light was really bright and then I couldn't see anything but white for awhile, even though the car lights weren't shining on me anymore. I had to pen my eyes with my hands and then I could see. It was pretty weird.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Where Did Your Cows Go?
I had some good ones that I remembered as they were ending and was going to write down, but the details have faded. One was with Aquaman. One had to do with Pirates of the Caribbean. One was one of those strange thoughts as falling asleep. It was kind of like the intro to that worms game where they keep getting bigger and bigger weapons to point at each other. Mine ended with each having a laser. The laser had been tested cutting a ham. I had the advantage because I had a mirror over my heart and I had a helmet that the face was one of those mirrors they use in interrogation rooms (A mirror on one side and window on the other).
The last dream I had was a good one. It was quite confusing. I'm not sure what did and didn't happen. It was one of those dreams that I kept waking up but was still dreaming. In fact I'm not sure I'm awake now, because I even wrote in the journal in this dream. Anyways, apparently I was reading some book, written by someone who didn't appear to be Mormon. He wrote about Polygamy, but was defending the Mormons. There was one really good quote. I woke myself up and started writing about the dream. I grabbed the book to be able to write the quote down. Sometime in here I realized I was still in bed dreaming.
At some point I got up out of bed, but realized that mom would make me do something if I went upstairs, so I went into the family room. I think Heather and Clay and Brady and Zach were in there. I think that I woke up again in my bed and got up and again didn't go up, but mom called me. She made me take the garbage up. Then I realized that I was still dreaming. I was in bed with my eyes closed hearing mom tell people goodbye, but I still must have been dreaming, because a little later I could hear Zach and Brady play videogames. But I must have still been dreaming, because a little later grandma was over here.
Then a little later Megan and Zach were downstairs and Zach had to put some password into a videogame or something for Megan and wouldn't let her look. A little later Zach came back downstairs to play his game and realized that Megan lost his cows. He was angry and asked where his cows went. Still in bed with my eyes closed I said that they jumped over the moon.
As I was still laying in bed with my eyes closed still actually asleep other things happened and then Zach opened my door.
"You're still asleep?"
"I'm not asleep, I'm laying down with my eyes closed."
"Why are you still in bed?"
"I'm having fun with one of those dreams where you keep waking up and you're still dreaming."
"I thought you said you weren't asleep."
I was about to ask him where his cows went, and realized that that was probably a part of a dream and didn't really happen. Then I decided to ask anyways just to confuse him, "Where did your cows go?"
"Where did your cows go?"
"Why are you like that?"
"Because of oatmeal and cheese."
Then he left and I started writing while him and Brady finish watching Pirates of the Caribbean.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Strange Half Dreaming Train Thoughts
Somebody is hiding something from someone. They hide it in a box and write Baby or Baby stuff or something, then they put a baby in the box so that the people really won't look there. the baby keeps poking its head out and saying something funny (kind of like peek-a-boo).
Somebody takes (kidnaps?) a woman and is driving around making her kick shoes (from the flatbed of a truck) at different people. Police trying to figure out who it is by looking for a connection between people hit by shoes. Somebody up on a balcony gets hit in the head by a shoe, but doesn't get hurt. Somebody asks, "Don't you have any weakness?!?!"
A girl cuts her hand on a rock and holds it up. A guy licks her hand and turns into a bat flying up really quickly. He transforms back and falls down. He does it again and falls down. Just before he hits the ground someone catches him by his coat. He's really confused by what's going on. The guy that caught him tells him to drink again, to drink deep and concentrate. He does so and feels power and strength entering him (He's becoming a vampire).
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I remembered parts of my dream last night, but don't remember what order it all came in and a lot of the details have faded.
I remember that in part of the dream I was at school. I think I was at High School, but it didn't seem like Murray High School. I was dreaming within the dream and knew that I was because I was wearing similar clothes in the dream within the dream as I was in the dream. However, I remember nothing of the actual dream part. It seems like I may have been at school in that part as well. At some point in one of these 2 dreams we were a lot younger because I remember seeing David Florez and Nicky Lozano and Jack Neal.
For some reason we were walking from our classroom to another classroom. I was walking with Charlie. We got ahead of everyone and went around a corner heading to this classroom. Then we decided to duck into the gym before anyone else went around the corner. It seems like this gym was kind of in the place where the cafeteria was at the old high school, or the library at the Jr. High. If it were at the high school, then we went in along the east side. We started getting some rebounds and shooting hoops with these two people. I was shooting on a basket on the south wall when some student that I know opened a door telling us that the teacher was coming. So we hurried over to the doors that led to the other gym, in the room just north and were going to go out of the doors of that gym to get back into the line of students. That's all I remember of that dream.
I remember very little of the next dream. I was on my mission. It seems like I was in Itajubá. My companion had been transferred and for some reason I was by myself until my new companion arrived. I was visiting somebody, but don't remember who it was. For some reason it seems like it was Viviane, which is strange because she's from Rio Claro. However, maybe it was Valdirene. I was talking with the person for awhile. The person asked me something about angels. A little later I told the person that I had to go and make some contacts and find people to teach. I set up an appointment to visit this person on Thursday at 3:00. I remember being on the street wondering how I was supposed to make contacts and teach people without my companion. It felt very odd. It seems like these thoughts and feelings must have affected the dream, because then me and some other missionary were on our way to Campinas to get our new companions. This missionary was talking to the mission president, telling him about how his branch president asked for him to pick up something they had asked for from the mission president a few times. He showed him the note or order form or something. the mission president seemed upset or annoyed because the order or note or whatever he had received before wasn't as specific or well organized or something.
Then for some reason I was at church here at home. For some reason I was wearing that Kaká shirt that I have. I felt very weird, but no one seemed to notice. Sacrament was about to start, so I was going to hurry home to change my shirt. Right as I was about to start the car Megan got in. Apparently she needed to hurry home because she needed her contact solution at home. So we got back to church. We sat down with out family and everything. At some point there was a number by the choir. It was a lot of youth. There were a ton of them, though. They were wearing uniforms (matching clothes). For some reason Megan wanted to go up and join them, but as she started going up half of them started leaving, so she thought they weren't going to sing. However, just the girls stayed up and they sang a song. Then as they were ending Megan wanted to go up and I told her that she couldn't because she wasn't wearing the same clothes, but she went anyways. As she was going up Vicky Perry put an apron on her or something that made her match the others.
Then Mike Welch (apparently he was still in the Bishopric and was the only one there) announced the speakers. The first was supposed to be a stake high councilman that was sitting up next to Mike. However, he refused to speak saying he wasn't prepared and wasn't told far enough ahead of time. Mike was quite annoyed and told the congregation and explained how this high councilman was refusing to do something asked by God.
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Evil Supermen
It was strange what I can remember. superman was really upset with something or someone, or maybe with some town. He was acting very evil. some how he was divided. There were like 4 of him. Each one with his own uniform a little different than the others and each looked a little different. He (they) were causing a lot of destruction and havoc. One of them was in the air flying and used his heat vision to melt someone or something. I think that it was a dog. He used his heat vision, but it was a little different. Instead of burning it liquefied. Then someone retaliated and tried shooting him and was liquefied.
Then a group of police or military men or both were going to try and take him out. I tried warning them that it wouldn't *"adiantar nada." But they tried anyway and were liquefied. I avoided staying with large groups of people. I think that I was mostly staying with Adam (It was after my mission). We were seeing all of this destruction going on. There was one part where he was playing with a plane. Making it look like it was going to crash and then lifting it back up. I don't remember what he ended up doing with it, but later he took a big helicopter and threw it at some huge tank of some flammable substance that caused a huge explosion.
I could see that soon all of the debris and ashes and everything from the explosion would arrive to us. I found a small place that we could take cover.
Then I think that after that he went on to another city. It seems like they were going to go on to all of the cities destroying them and killing many and gathering them all together in the city where I was which was only partly destroyed. And then it would be genocide of the human race. I watched the destruction going on on the TV. It seems like in the city where I was some scientists came up with some idea that they were sure would stop him (them). I wasn't convinced.
I cam up with my own idea to take some supplies (like a food storage) to one of the cities after it had been completely destroyed and wait and hide out there with a few people. That's about all that I can remember. I know that the Flash and Batman were mentioned in the dream, but I don't think they were seen.
So it looks like I was going to start and lead some rebel group of human survivors against the supermen, like what always happens in movies when the human race is conquered. Or I was just going to wait and survive and restart life and try to talk, negotiate, help the supermen or something. I think that my plan was the 2nd.
Then I had some other dream that in someway is interconnected with the other. I was working at Papa Murphy's and I missed my shift on Wednesday or something. It was the day of the Supermen destruction. I had completely forgotten about work. Mallory was the manager. Ron asked her to fire me and 3 others that didn't show up and I somehow found this out. I missed 2 or 3 days of work it seems like, because I only returned there on Saturday. However, it seems like Ron had changed his mind. So I was getting my schedule from Mallory. She was telling me the days and times that I would work. I remember she started saying Sunday and I put the pen down and said that I wouldn't work on Sunday.
*adiantar nada means do any good
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A Couple Quick Dreams
Last night I had a dream that I was still in high school. We were near the end of the semester and I hadn't gone to Calculus for months and hadn't done any assignments. I was worried about how I was going to get caught up. Its strange that I still dream thinking that I"m still in high school.
I had a dream that I somewhat remember. I was returning home. I still hadn't been released and I was having trouble speaking in English with people. I kept saying things in Portuguese and getting frustrated. I would greet people saying, "Boa Tarde." It was pretty frustrating.
The dream about returning home must have been prophetic, because that actually happened when I came home. For weeks I had trouble speaking English and would accidentally say lots of things in Portuguese. Sometimes I would say sentences in Portuguese without realizing it, only finding out by the confused expressions or someone telling me that it wasn't English. The little things like greetings or saying thanks, the cordialities were the hardest, they would just come out in Portuguese and I felt like an idiot saying those things in public places.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Halloween Transfer
Today I had a stomach ache and felt like if I continued walking I would throw up. So about 6:00 when we didn't have any more appointments until 8:00 we
I set my watch to go off at 7:45 in case I slept. I fell asleep and had a strange dream. We were missionaries and I was with Elder M. Souza. It was strange because we were sleeping in the dream as well.
For some reason there was some kind of emergency transfer (on a sidenote, it was Halloween). A bunch of missionaries were together in our house ( I think it was the zone). The zone leaders were leaving to receive the phone call and were saying that everybody needed to be back in the house by 10:00. It seems like Elder Graehl was one of them and said that Elder M. Souza and I could just stay in the house/apt. (It seems like it was in the centro of Campinas). I said, 'No, we have an appointment at 8:00.
He tried to convince me to let Elder M. Souza continue sleeping so that he wasn't tired for his first big meeting the next day or something like that.
But I said, "No, we have to go to this appointment." And so we got up and got ready to leave. We were going down the steps to leave when Bruno was going up. It seems like he was looking for Elder Xavier. We left the building and I woke up.
It was 7:50. My alarm hadn't gone off. I had set it for A.M. But I woke up, ready to leave to go to our appointment with Jaque at 8:00.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
A Dangerous Place For An American
I had a strange dream last night. I don't really remember a lot of it. I was here in Brazil on my mission. I don't remember if I was companions with Elder Mendes or Elder Choy or somebody else. It seems like I was in Campo Limpo, but not exactly how it really is.
Something bad had happened, something really bad; but I don't know what it was. It was something that was international. I think there must have been something bad happening between the U.S. and Brazil. For some reason there was a strong hatred towards Americans from most Brazilians. Brazil was a dangerous place for an American to be.
It seems like there must have been a lot of deaths of Americans in Brazil. Somehow I got a phone call from my worried dad warning me not to go out that day, that it was a dangerous day. I think that that day I stayed in, but due to the desire to serve and fulfill my mission I continued the missionary work the next day.
However, I did so somewhat in fear and trying to somewhat hide. It seems like I prayed for help and protection many times. I was wishing that the people would realize that I had nothing to do with whatever had happened. I was trying to continue working and hide that I was American. I was hoping that I had tanned enough or that I spoke well enough that they didn't realize that I was American. I remember making a contact on the street but at the same time fearing that he had some kind of weapon. It seems like he had a knife and was going to try to hurt/kill me, but because of what I said in the contact he changed his mind.
I don't really remember much else. It was pretty strange, though. I felt like one of the sons of Mosiah, trying to help people that hated me and wanted to kill me.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Choose Your Own Ending
Monday night I had an interesting dream. I don't remember it very well. I was in grandma and grandpa's house/neighborhood. In this dream/nightmare there was some kind of monster or demon that I had to find a way to kill. He was coming after me and nothing seemed to work; not a shotgun, not even a grenade. A little bit into the dream I realized something important. I realized that I was dreaming. I remember thinking, "I've already dreamed this dream. I don't remember very well what happens, but I know that in the end I win. I remember that it was difficult and extremely scary. I don't remember how, but I know that in the end I win." I remember that when I had dreamed it before it was long and took awhile to discover how to kill him.
So in the middle of this dream/nightmare I just decided that I didn't want to continue the dream. I was able to realize that I was dreaming and take control. I don't remember what I dreamed afterwards.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Exhausting Sleep
We came home to sleep because it was P-Day. I somewhat slept for a couple hours. It was hot and it was a strange sleep. I think that I was actually completely asleep without having any problems, but the problem was my dream. I was like dreaming in a dream. However, in this dream I wasn't sleeping very well. Like I was having trouble sleeping going in and out of it, but I realized one of the times that I actually woke up that I was really dreaming that I was having trouble. The mind is powerful and so when I actually woke up to get ready I felt like I hadn't slept very well.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
You'll Not See Nothing Like The Mighty Quinn
Monday, April 14, 2008
Dreaming in Portuguese
I just felt like writing down a little bit of some dreams that I remember at least a little bit. 2 nights ago I was sleeping and dreaming. In the dream I was here in Brazil. I was on my mission. I saw John Brooks. I was like, "Hey John!" but he just kept walking and he looked at me a little strange. It was like he was thinking, "who are these guys," or, "Great, missionaries." I asked him if he recognized me and finally he realized it was me. We started talking in Portuguese and I don't remember anything else.
Its not the first time I've dreamed about talking with friends that don't know Portuguese in Portuguese. I remember once I dreamed that I was already back home. I decided to spend a day working at Papa Murphy's for old time's sake. For some reason Bransin was also working there again and Mallory and Lupita were also still working there. Everybody else was new to me. I didn't know the others. So it got slow and we were sitting in the back. Bransin and I were talking but the strange thing was that I was speaking Portuguese and he was speaking Spanish. We were understanding each other and speaking normally and Lupita was just listening, also understanding, but not speaking.
Another time I had a dream that took place after my mission as well. I met Matt Webber. He was with 2 kids that when I think about the dream afterwards seemed like Suzana and Gabriel, but it wasn't them. I talked with him and caught up on old times. We got to talking about the church a little and in the end before having to go I invited him to go to church that Sunday. I left and was walking home when the little girl asked if they could go, too. I said, "Claro que podem!" It was the last thing that I said that I remember that made me realize I was dreaming in Portuguese.
John Brooks was my best friend growing up in Kearns. Bransin, Mallory, and Lupita are obviously people that used to work at Papa Murphy's with me. Bransin was also one of my best friends, we would hang out all the time before my mission. Matt Webber was a good friend of mine in elementary school and the beginning of Junior High School. Suzana and Gabriel are two kids that I knew really well from my first area on my mission (the area I was in when I had this dream). "Claro que podem!" means "Of course you can!"
Friday, April 11, 2008
"I Gave Them The Name Of My Piñata"
I think that in my dream my family was going to go on a bike ride, so I needed to get a bike. It seems like I decided to borrow a bike from the University of Utah. I remember being on the bike in the Marriott Library. I think I was playing around with the bike, making it bounce because of the shocks.
I also remember seeing a little kid (about 1 or 2 years-old) eating a blue ice-cream shake. He made a really big mess with it. It seemed like there was blue ice-cream everywhere. So I went to get a napkin for the mom, but when I got back she had it all cleaned up.
The next part of my dream that I remember was at Riverview Jr. High. For some reason I was on a school bus over there, and it drove around and dropped us off by the playground. Maybe we had just come home from a field trip. I was going to just walk home because I live close to the school, even though I guess school wasn't out yet. I was just starting to go when I ran into Derek Hofmann. He wanted me to watch what Heather McEwan was doing for some reason. It seems like she was trying to jump all the way down some stairs. She kept doing it, I guess seeing how many times she could. I think I remember her or someone saying she had done it 8 out of 30 times. She was wearing a night gown or over-sized pajama shirt or something. I don't know why, but it seemed fun to watch.
The next part of my dream that I remember seems like it was a mix of Smallville and Tru Calling, or maybe Clark was having an experience like when he got the phone call from Lana in the future. I was Clark in this part of the dream, or maybe I was just observing him, I'm not sure. I/Clark knew about something that was going to happen to Lana later this day. I think it might have had somthing to do with a robbery. I told Whitney about it, and gave him some instructions on how to help her. I also let him borrow my truck. Apparently I had tipped the Police off about it, too. Because I remember calling my dad/Jonathan and telling him that. I told him not to worry though, because, "I gave them the name of my piñata" so that they wouldn't suspect it was me and find out about my abilities.
For some reason this has always been my favorite dream. I think it has to do with the "I gave them the name of my piñata" part. Just a little footnote for those that don't know much about Smallville or Tru Calling. Tru Calling was a show where this person would repeat days to prevent a death. In season 1 of Smallville Lana (the girl that Clark has always liked) dated Whitney. Clark's dad, Jonathan, was always worried that someone would find out about Clark's ability and he'd be in danger. When I dreamed this it seemed so logical to give the police the name of my piñata, which I guess means I had a pet piñata. When I was writing this down, I was just free-writing as I remembered and I got to that point and started wondering what was I thinking in this dream. Why would I have a piñata with a name? And why would I use that name to give to the police?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The Death of Snuffaluffagus
Part of the dream I was Superman. I was also in a video game when I was Superman. Maybe I was just playing a Superman video game and maybe it was a Virtual Reality Game.
Another part of the dream, I think I was asleep in it, and found out that the elephant character from Sesame Street had been stabbed. I remember waking up in the dream and finding out that it had really happened and there was a big investigation. They found the suspects very quickly, that same day.
The next thing I remember in the dream was that I was at the new Murray High School for some reason. I had just gotten out of a class and walked through part of the school to waste some time before my next class started. It was supposed to be beginning guitar that I was going to, but somehow I ended up playing baseball in gym.
I didn't know anybody on either of the teams. Except it seems like there might have been one or two people that I knew (Jack Neal and Nicky Lasano?). It was a pretty fun game. At some part I must have known I was dreaming, because it seems like I was able to control how far I hit the ball and when the other team got to it. I got a triple, and might have gotten an inside homerun, but didn't realize that another person on my team hadn't gotten to homeplate yet, so they got a force out. I remember somebody on the other team hit a homerun and so we had to get another ball.
I remember a small part of an earlier dream where I was in the new High school. However, it was still the old high school but everything looked new. I was skateboarding in it and I think Kevin Nelson congratulated me for something and I was kind of confused. Part of the school, by the weight lifting room, had a quarter pipe going up the wall. Later I found out that I had won some award for something in one of my classes with Covington the year before.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Crawling Race
Once when I was about 9 I had a dream that I was in a crawling race. I was going really slow and couldn't understand what was hindering me. The next thing I know I'm falling off the top bunk, hitting the wall, bouncing off the bottom bunk, bouncing off the wall again, and landing on the floor. I guess that while in this crawling race I actually got up and started crawling and I was tangled up in the bed sheets making me crawl really slow.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Worst Than a Nightmare
However, the most boring dream I ever had happened when I was about 8 or 9. I was sick with the stomach flu this night and I fell asleep and slept for a full night without waking up. But the whole time I was asleep I was having the same dream. The whole dream consisted of rows upon rows of toy soldiers (like nutcrackers) marching in place. I watched them just march in place for hours upon hours. I was so bored and even tried to wake up, but couldn't. I just continued watching them march in place. Watching Andy Warhol's "Empire" would be more interesting than this dream.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
There are two unusual places that I slept quite often while I was a child (somewhere between the age of 3-6), that were either because of dreams that I had or just my child imagination. In my old house the stairwell curved at the top, so there were two stairs that were triangular and larger than the rest of the stairs. My bedroom was in the basement, but I often fell asleep curled up on one of these triangular stairs because for some reason I thought there was a giant spider in the basement. I didn't just think that it was a large spider, but a spider about the size of an entire room.
There were other times that I would be asleep in my own bed, and I would wake up in the middle of the night. I slept on the bottom bunk, and my older brother, Matt, was on the top. He would leave his white Sunday shirt hanging on the bedpost at the foot of the bed, and when I would wake up and just see that white shirt in the dark I would get scared. I thought that it was Dracula. I would lay in my bed staring at it for a long time, scared to move or make any noise. I would slowly get out of my bed and make my way towards the door while staring at Dracula. I'd make it out of my room and I would go up to my parents bedroom where I would be safe. My parents have a large water bed. The bed overhangs the base by about a foot all around the perimeter. Because I didn't want to wake my parents up, and crawling into a water bed would definitely do so, I would just crawl underneath the overhang and sleep underneath their bed.
So with this blog I will be posting the dreams that I have written down in the past, with the date that I dreamt them, and to start out, just some dreams from the past that I never wrote down, but that I remember or recurring elements in past dreams.