Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Strange Half Dreaming Train Thoughts

On this day I took a notebook with me on the TRAX (lightrail) and let myself drift into sleep, but would wake myself up periodically and write down the weird thoughts that were passing through my head during semi-consciousness.


Somebody is hiding something from someone. They hide it in a box and write Baby or Baby stuff or something, then they put a baby in the box so that the people really won't look there. the baby keeps poking its head out and saying something funny (kind of like peek-a-boo).

Somebody takes (kidnaps?) a woman and is driving around making her kick shoes (from the flatbed of a truck) at different people. Police trying to figure out who it is by looking for a connection between people hit by shoes. Somebody up on a balcony gets hit in the head by a shoe, but doesn't get hurt. Somebody asks, "Don't you have any weakness?!?!"

A girl cuts her hand on a rock and holds it up. A guy licks her hand and turns into a bat flying up really quickly. He transforms back and falls down. He does it again and falls down. Just before he hits the ground someone catches him by his coat. He's really confused by what's going on. The guy that caught him tells him to drink again, to drink deep and concentrate. He does so and feels power and strength entering him (He's becoming a vampire).

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