Friday, October 17, 2008

Heroes Dream #2


I had an odd dream last night that involves heroes. I don't remember much, but in the dream I was Peter, and I guess something had happened to me so that I was in a dream state between life and death. And then I came across Simone who I guess was also in that state. She told me about some guy that had the ability to travel through this half dead state of existence, and that he would be able to offer me guidance and help me. While in this state I was unable to touch physical objects, or even open a door; but she told me that this individual could. I ended up coming across this person and he helped me with something and told me that I needed to go somewhere. I left the house and was walking down the street.

Then somehow I came across Charlie. He was riding on a skateboard/skooter, but it was made from a hand dolley, with a wood board attached to it, a frame and two other wheels. the piece of wood snapped, so he started taking it apart to fix it, but realized he had made a mistake, so started putting it back together. For some reason he needed hot glue to wind up some cord and glue it so that it stayed wound up and we happened to have hot glue. Then some random stranger came up and wanted to buy some stuff that we had, including the hot glue gun.

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