Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Am I Awake?


I had slept on the floor in the front room at Mia's house. I had already gotten up once, but went back to sleep, but was trying to figure out whether I was really asleep or not. Every once in awhile Jen or Rune would walk by, but my eyes were closed and I was trying to figure out if they really walked by or if I was dreaming. At one point Jen walked outside for a minute and I wanted to open my eyes and turn around to find out if it was real or not, but in none of these instances was I able to. Every once in awhile Jen or Rune would say something, but I couldn't understand what. I would try to respond, but my mouth wouldn't open. Finally, I woke up and realized it was all a dream. jen was laying on the couch and Rune wasn't even in the room.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Have You Ever Been To London?


In part of the dream I was going through the field between Greenoaks and Riverview Jr High. There were hills and trenches and weeds. It was as if it was a war zone. I think that I was with some other people, but don't remember very well. It also seems like there was some black and white TV turned on.

When we got through the field we somehow ended up in my Brazilian culture class. However, instead of desks there were a few large beds. Derek and Jen were also in the class. So we were laying on a Bed and we were watching Central do Brasil. It seems like Jen did something disruptive and the professor said something to her. She started talking back to him, but not in an argumentative way. It was more as if she was making comments and answering questions in a way that she was kind of making fun of him, but playing dumb, pretending like she wasn't making fun of him. She would also throw in a comment every once in awhile to make it seem like she was trying to participate in class and wanted to know something. The professor was really confused and didn't know how to respond, especially since he already doesn't really know how to respond to conflict. At one point, out of nowhere, Jen asked him, "Have you ever been to London?"

Friday, November 14, 2008

Pink Drugs & Ice Cream Cones


In part of my dream I was in the car with my mom and dad. My dad was driving and was going north, maybe on State Street. It was night time and for some reason there were these big signs that were telling a story. You would read one sign, and then a little later there would be another sign continuing the story. I don't remember what the story was, though. When we got to South Temple we turned left, and for some reason we were driving up a canyon. My dad fell asleep and started veering off the rode. My mom grabbed the wheel and pointed us in the right direction again. We tried waking my dad up so that he could pull over and let someone else drive, but he just kept snoring and wouldn't wake up. I leaned forward form the back seat and grabbed the steering wheel trying to keep us from crashing while my mom continued trying to wake my dad up.

In another part of my dream I was on my mission in Brazil. It was P-Day and my companion and I were at the store looking for something specific to buy that seems like it wasn't something that really exists. We were in shorts and a t-shirt and there were two parents and a kid that were also shopping. The kid was pretty spoiled and said something rude to us that I can't remember. I overheard the parents talking while we continued to shop. They were concerned about their son. I guess he must have started experimenting with drugs because I remember them saying something about a "baseado" (joint). Later they were counting their money and looked like they were a little short on cash. My companion gave them a little bit of money and we talked a little bit and ended up getting their address to teach them about the gospel a little later.

In another part of the dream some cocaine or crystal meth or some kind of drug was found in a closet at Riverview Jr High. However, it wasn't found by teachers or anything. The drug obviously didn't look like what it actually does, because it was like a bag full of pink grains that looked like large pieces of salt.

For some reason I ended up in a field that seems like it must have been somewhere around 7000 S and 700 W. I was laying on the grass and there were two lions. One of the lions I could tell wanted to attack me. The other, however, was going to protect me. It was a really tense few minutes. All three of us kept looking from one to another. The lion that wanted to attack me started slowly circling around so that he could attack me without the other lion being in the way. I also started slowly circling around the lion I knew would protect, to keep him in between me and the bad lion.

Another few tense moments passed by, then a bicycler went riding past. The lion decide to attack him instead of me, and so it went running after him. My guardian lion somehow communicated that we should hurry and leave in case he came back. I got up and we had just started running when the lion chasing the bicycler got splattered by a bus.

The lion, however, still wanted me to follow him. So I ran after him. We hopped over some fences and took short cuts through backyards. We eventually reached my parents' house, but didn't go in. We went through the backyard. Brady saw us, but we just ran past. The lion hopped over the fence into the next door neighbor's yard, and then over the fence into the neighbor's yard behind him. I was a little bit slower because this fence is old and unsturdy. I carefully, but fairly quickly walked across the top of the fence connecting the three yards. I jumped down just before my mom came out, and continued following the lion to Riverview Jr High, to the closet with the drugs.

Whoever had had the drugs there had realized someone had found them, though, and hid the drugs. It seems like they had replaced it with tiny ice cream cones, but in the bottom of each cone the drugs were hidden. I noticed this and somehow knew who was responsible for this, Megan. I confronted her, but she just looked at the cones form the other side pretending like she didn't know what I was talking about. I turned a cone upside down and pointed out the pink drugs. She denied having anything to do with it, but eventually owned up to it, but tried to justify it to me showing me some magazine that said something about the drug helping the health of people in Africa. This is all that I remember.

Monday, November 10, 2008

George Bush Hopes They Call Him On A Mission


In my dream George W. Bush was addressing the Brazilian people and telling them about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was explaining the basic beliefs and all of the community and humanitarian aspects of it. I was watching it on T.V. with Derek and Jen. the he got out his guitar and sang, "I hope they call me on a mission." The whole time I was wondering what George Bush was doing talking about the church, and why to the Brazilians.

In another part of the dream I was driving down a free-way & I was behind a big ruck. Big chunks of cement started falling out of the back of the truck. I tried to brake and avoid the chunks of cement. For some reason I could no longer see in front of me to see where they were and I just remember pressing my foot on the brake and bracing myself for an accident, hoping not to die.

Another part of the dream was a star wars thing. I was in a spaceship that had a similar design to a tie-fighter. I was being chased by tie-fighters, going through an asteroid field and trying to make it past a blockade of other imperial ships to land on a planet, get to a hangar that had another ship with a similar design to the Millennium Falcon and use that ship to escape. I was weaving through all this stuff, shooting asteroids, and tie-fighters and made my way to the hangar. There were other people with me, but I'm not sure who. The ship that we wanted to get on was locked down, and they wouldn't let us on it. We ended up finding a way to steal it, though.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Super Fast, Super Smart, and Super Young


Last night I dreamed that I was at church or something with my family. I was holding Robby and nobody else was around and I was trying to teach him how to say things. He was understanding me very well and was learning how to say things very quickly. I don't remember everything that he said, but he said some things that I didn't specifically teach (like combining little segments of things he had learned, but in the right way, showing that he understood what it meant). The only specific things I remember him saying was, "I love you Josh," and asking, "Do you love me?" I remember being really excited and happy about all these things he was saying, so I found the rest of the family to show them.

At some point in my dream I was going to church with my family (but it was after the thing with Robby). My dad was driving and decided he wanted to go to a different chapel than the one we normally would go to. We were getting kind of frustrated because he wouldn't tell us where we were going and he was driving backwards going north along 700 W. We finally found out that he was going to some chapel out in Magna. He seemed pretty excited about it and expected us to be excited about this surprise, too. I'm not sure why he was so excited or why it was supposed to be a surprise. Maybe he wanted to show us some family history stuff out there since it was my great-great-great grandfather that founded the area. I never found out, because the next thing I remember was being in some house (Maybe it was a house in Magna, I don't know).

I was upstairs and went into a bedroom. There was a little kid about 4 years old. I started talking to him and he was a very smart kid. he had a pretty high voice and spoke kind of quickly. Through the conversation I somehow found out that his mom was really big, and slow and had a really slow metabolism, and therefore he has a fast metabolism and was very fast (like super speed power) in order to genetically compensate for his mother. He then told me that his younger brother was even faster. I met his 3 year-old brother who actually seemed even more mature than him and had a kind of deep voice, but still spoke really quickly.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Dog Did It


In part of the dream I had been at work. Justin and I had gone to Alumni hall and had been enjoying some free soda. Later, I had left work. I was over by the Trax Station, but across the street talking to some people. I think Derek was among them. Then Justin comes along with cases of soda pop, probably over 100 cans. They were wrapped in plastic and the plastic started to rip, so some of the cans fell out and a couple started spraying pop. I jumped in front of the spray of a Pepsi can with my mouth open and drank it as it was spraying so that none would be wasted. Justin had also come out with some Ron Paul sign because I guess there was going to be some kind of Parade or March. We stuck the sign in the grass and sat down on the hill across from the Trax and waited. It started to get dark and a cop asked us what we were doing. I told him that we thought there was supposed to be a march and we were waiting for it. Just then we heard a marching band approaching. It was coming from the North, not the South like I had thought it would. They marched past us and then I realized that it was already 10:20 and I hadn't clocked out of work yet.

In another part of the dream that I remember I was riding a bike to Murray High School. There was all this construction and tractors, and equipment all over Greenoaks and I was annoyed because it was going to take me longer to get there and longer to get back home.

In another part of the dream I was with Derek and Jen at a library. We found some secret door in the Northwest corner of the library that led us into a hidden portion of the library. This part of the library was amazing. It was very well kept, was very quiet and had a lot of really nice computers. Then it was as if we were in a video game or something because there were these little places/doors that we could go to that would transfer/transport us to different parts of the library. Derek went through one and got transported back into the main part of the library. He thought that he could just transport back, but he had to go find the door again.

Another part of the dream involved Full House. I guess the family was having financial difficulties and Joey was in the living room with a girlfriend and Danny. The girlfriend started talking about all this expensive stuff Joey had been buying for them. Danny isn't saying anything, but is visibly upset. Then a dog barks outside and Danny asks what it was. Joey's girlfriend says it the dog that Joey just bought for her. Danny goes out to the backyard, takes a dump on the lawn and goes back inside and tells Joey to clean it up, saying the dog did it.

THe last part of the dream that I can remember I was at my grandma's in the backyard. there was a two-year old girl riding a tricycle. She wanted me to ride on it. I started riding on it, but going backwards. I was the size that I am now, riding on a little kid's tricycle backwards.