Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Abs of Stool


I don't remember much. There was some kind of party or reunion or something going on at the institute. I ran into a lot of people I knew from High School. I remember talking to Jordan Yost, Peter Brown, and Jordan Andrews.

Another Part is real short, but I thought it was so cool. I was at my parents house and I was standing on a stool barefoot. I curled my toes around it and would lean forward and fall forward and using my ab muscles was able to slow myself down and stop just before the ground and still flexing my abs lift myself back up. It was almost like a mix of a push-up and stomach crunch. I wasn't using my arms at all and it was quite the workout on the abs. I was impressed that I was able to do it and did it a few times. My sister, Heather, was wondering what I thought was so cool about it. I explained it to her and she said that she could do it. She got on and ended up just going down and putting her hands and knees on the ground with her feet still on the stool thinking she was doing it right. Matt and I both told her that she was doing it completely wrong.

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