Saturday, November 8, 2008

Super Fast, Super Smart, and Super Young


Last night I dreamed that I was at church or something with my family. I was holding Robby and nobody else was around and I was trying to teach him how to say things. He was understanding me very well and was learning how to say things very quickly. I don't remember everything that he said, but he said some things that I didn't specifically teach (like combining little segments of things he had learned, but in the right way, showing that he understood what it meant). The only specific things I remember him saying was, "I love you Josh," and asking, "Do you love me?" I remember being really excited and happy about all these things he was saying, so I found the rest of the family to show them.

At some point in my dream I was going to church with my family (but it was after the thing with Robby). My dad was driving and decided he wanted to go to a different chapel than the one we normally would go to. We were getting kind of frustrated because he wouldn't tell us where we were going and he was driving backwards going north along 700 W. We finally found out that he was going to some chapel out in Magna. He seemed pretty excited about it and expected us to be excited about this surprise, too. I'm not sure why he was so excited or why it was supposed to be a surprise. Maybe he wanted to show us some family history stuff out there since it was my great-great-great grandfather that founded the area. I never found out, because the next thing I remember was being in some house (Maybe it was a house in Magna, I don't know).

I was upstairs and went into a bedroom. There was a little kid about 4 years old. I started talking to him and he was a very smart kid. he had a pretty high voice and spoke kind of quickly. Through the conversation I somehow found out that his mom was really big, and slow and had a really slow metabolism, and therefore he has a fast metabolism and was very fast (like super speed power) in order to genetically compensate for his mother. He then told me that his younger brother was even faster. I met his 3 year-old brother who actually seemed even more mature than him and had a kind of deep voice, but still spoke really quickly.

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